Here is some inspiration for your activity planning this coming month. We try to include themes and activities that aren't usually done, so your children can engage in a wide variety of activities. Use this planner any way that you like and feel free to build on these themes and activities.
Skills: S.T.E.M, Fine Motor/Gross Motor, Literacy, Dramatic Play, Cultural, & Art
*All links are in purple*
Week 1: Farm Animals
Monday: Fine motor, Art (paper plates farm animals)
Tuesday: S.T.E.M (make butter from milk)
Wednesday: Fine motor (Sheep shearing)
Thursday: S.T.E.M (Sheep wool counting)
Friday: Gross Motor (Plan a field trip to a local farm), Multicultural ( learn about Cinco de Mayo and make a pinata craft)
Sensory: Wash dirty farm animals
Circle time: Sing 'Old Macdonald' 'Bingo' and farm related songs. Read farm animal books
Week 2: Plants
Monday: S.T.E.M ( Make a diy greenhouse)
Tuesday: Art ( deconstructed flower art)
Wednesday: Fine motor, S.T.E.M ( parts of a plant craft)
Thursday: Fine motor, sensory (make play-dough using diy natural plant based dye)
Friday: Art ( Mother's Day Plant gift)
Sensory: S.T.E.M (The seeds we eat nature science)
Circle time: Read 'The Tiny Seed'
Week 3: Cycles
Monday: Art (Seasons craft)
Tuesday: Fine motor (Metamorphosis craft)
Wednesday: S.T.E.M (photosynthesis activity)
Thursday: Cultural ( teach about the 3 r's of recycling by creating a chart together)
Friday: Cultural (focusing on 'reusing' make new paper from recycled paper scraps)
Sensory: Have the children freeze animals and do this ice rescue activity
Circle time: Read and sing about weather, butterflies, plants, recycling
Week 4: Earth Week
Monday: Gross motor ( start off earth week by taking a walk collecting colors of the rainbow)
Tuesday: Cultural (make this diy bird feeder)
Wednesday: Art (Earth day windsocks)
Thursday: Fine motor ( Q-tip earth activity)
Friday: S.T.E.M (using recycled items, build with egg cartons, create a small village)
Sensory: Tree planting sensory bin , plant seeds and have the children tend and care for them and watch them grow
Circle time: Read and sing about the earth ( *pro tip: you can find books on all topics online, just google something like 'chilldrens books about the earth pdf', youtube is a great source as well for read-out-loud's)
Week 5: Astronomy
Monday: Dramatic Play ( Space dramatic play, set up this rock inspection station , make this phases of the moon activity)
Tuesday: Fine motor ( constellations activity)
Wednesday: Art ( Planet art activity)
Thursday: Fine motor ( Make these galaxy jars)
Friday: Plan a field trip to the planetarium
Sensory: Moon sand sensory activity
Circle time: Turn off your lights for this constellation show activity
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